Preschool and Elementary Programs

Our full-day preschool programs help children develop academic readiness skills and acquire age-appropriate independent self-care skills. These programs are integrated into our lower elementary programs.

Memorial Elementary

Memorial Elementary provides services to students from preschool through fifth grade who benefit from visual supports in our highly-structured learning environment. The focus of this program is on developing students’ communication and socialization skills in addition to gross and fine motor skills as they relate to daily living and academic skills. Students also have the opportunity to participate in inclusion with typically-developing peers.

Our multifaceted teaching approach may include principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and Discrete Trial Training (DTT), modified curriculum, and visual supports in both guided individual and group instruction. Students are provided with all related services according to their IEP including but not limited to: speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, BCBA consultation, and counseling.

Francis Wyman Elementary

This school provides services to students from preschool through first grade with global developmental delays who would benefit from our highly structured learning environment. Students in this program improve cognition through multi-sensory instruction. They will develop communication and socialization skills; work on gross and fine motor skills; boost their skills for daily living; and improve in academics.

Students in our program will collaborate and learn from PALs and older peers within our school and during non-instructional activities such as art, playtime, lunch, and recess. They will also benefit from trained specialists providing speech and language intervention, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. An on-staff nurse will assist students who require medical support.